Three Hundred Important Combinations

Three Hundred Important Combinations


Planetary combinations (eg, unions) are known as Yogas, so this is a book of 300 yogas & essential for serious Vedic reading. For example, the Dehapushti Yoga (109) is the lord of the lagna in a movable sign aspected by a benefic & indicates a well-developed body, wealth & enjoyable life. The only difficulty is to find things in this book: Raman himself says there is no order to it, though it would appear Raman has organized by related yogas, when possible. To learn, read & memorize!

Vender Rasbihari Lal & sons

Planetary combinations (eg, unions) are known as Yogas, so this is a book of 300 yogas & essential for serious Vedic reading. For example, the Dehapushti Yoga (109) is the lord of the lagna in a movable sign aspected by a benefic & indicates a well-developed body, wealth & enjoyable life. The only difficulty is to find things in this book: Raman himself says there is no order to it, though it would appear Raman has organized by related yogas, when possible. To learn, read & memorize!