Sri Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja

Mahant Pandit Sri Ananta Das Babaji Maharaja was a leading religious figure in the contemporary Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. Based at Radha-kunda, he was a respected lecturer and the author of dozens of volumes of literature. He has initiated many devotees into the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, including people from Vraja, from Bengal, and from dozens of Western countries. He has been elected as the Mahanta of Radha Kunda, thus being the 34th representive of the seat of Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami. He was widely recognized as one of the foremost teachers of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition on account of his voluminous and comprehensive writings as well as due to his humility and purity of heart.

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Sri Sri Radha Rasa Sudha Nidhi
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By Sri Prabodhananda Saraswati (Author) Commentaries of Pandita Sri Ananta däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja.
Sri Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali
$40.00 $38.00
By Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami (Author)Commentaries of Pandita Sri Ananta däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja.
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Mädhurya Kädambini
$15.00 $12.00
Commentaries by Sri Rädhäkunda's Mahänta Pandita Sri Ananta Däs Bäbäji Mahäräja
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Sri Sri Prema Bhakti Candrikä
$20.00 $18.00
By Srila Narottama däsa Thäkura Mahäsaya Translation based on the commentaries of Srila Visvanätha Cakravartipäda and Sri Ananta däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja.
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Sri Sri Siksastakam
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Sri Sri Siksastakam of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - The Eight Instructions Caitanya Mahaprabhu with the commentary of Pandita Sri Ananta Das Babaji Maharaja...
Raga Vartma Candrika
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Raga-vartma-candrika by Visvanatha Cakravartin with the commentary of Sri Ananta Das Babaji Maharaja
Sri Guru Tattva Vijnana and Sri Bhakta Tattva Vijnana
$3.00 $2.75
By Pandita Sri Ananta Dasa Bababji Maharaja (Author)
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