The Nectar of Congregational Preaching

The Nectar of Congregational Preaching

The Nectar of Congregational Preaching is an inspirational overview of the development of Krsna Consciousness among the congregational members of ISKCON from the beginning until the present. It contains insights and instructions from our previous acaryas, and many realizations and personal accounts of success in congregational development by ISKCON Gurus, GBCs, and leading preachers.
Vender RasBihari Lal And Sons
The Nectar of Congregational Preaching is an inspirational overview of the development of Krsna Consciousness among the congregational members of ISKCON from the beginning until the present. It contains insights and instructions from our previous acaryas, and many realizations and personal accounts of success in congregational development by ISKCON Gurus, GBCs, and leading preachers.