
Sandarbhas: No serious devotee’s journey into the depths of Srimad-Bhagavatam would be complete without the study of Srila Jiva Goswami’s Sat-sandarbha, the first thoroughgoing, systematic presentation of Gaudiya Vaisnava teachings.
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Sri Paramatma Sandarbha
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Sri Bhakti Sandarbha (Set of 2 Volumes)
Bhakti Sandarbha, which is the fifth volume in the anthology, deals with abhidheya, the prescribed method to actualize our relation with Bhagavān....
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SRI KRSNA SANDARBHA (The Original Form Of God)
The Jiva Institute of Vaiśnava Studies is happy to announce the publication and availability of the fourth book in the...
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The Bhagavat Sandarbha
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Sri Tattva Sandharbha
The new revised edition of Tattva Sandarbha is indispensable to grasp the methodology of Jīva Gosvāmī and the map of Reality he...
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Sri Paramatma Sandarbha Vol.2
Paramatma Sandarbha: The third Sandarbha is called Paramatma-sandarbha,and there is a description of Paramatma (the Supersoul) and an explanation ofhow...
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Sri Paramatma Sandarbha Vol.1
Paramatma Sanda rbha: The third Sandarbha is called Paramatma-sandarbha,and there is a description of Paramatma (the Supersoul) and an explanation...
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Sri Tattva Sandarbha
The Tatta-sandarbha, the first in Jiva’s series of six discourses,serves as a systematic introduction to the theological andspiritual themes discussed...
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Sri Krsna Sandarbha Vol.3
Krsna-Sandarbha is the fourth work in the series of Sandarbhas. Tattva Sandarbha deals with the nature of proof. The Bhagavat...
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Sri Krsna Sandarbha Vol.2
Krsna-Sandarbha is the fourth work in the series of Sandarbhas. Tattva Sandarbha deals with the nature of proof. The Bhagavat...
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Sri Krsna Sandarbha Vol.1
Krsna-Sandarbha is the fourth work in the series of Sandarbhas. Tattva Sandarbha deals with the nature of proof. The Bhagavat...
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Sri Priti Sandarbha Vol.2
Priti-sandarbha is a treatise on life’s ultimate goal, love ofGodhead. Although love of God may seem to be simply an...
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The Sat-sandharbhas consist of six works (Tattva-sandarbha, Bhagavata-sandarbha, Paramatma sandarbha, Krsna-sandarbha, Bhakti-sandharbha, Priti-sandarbha). Roman transliterated Sanskrit texts, word for word,...
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The Sat-sandharbhas consist of six works (Tattva-sandarbha, Bhagavata-sandarbha, Paramatma sandarbha, Krsna-sandarbha, Bhakti-sandharbha, Priti-sandarbha). Roman transliterated Sanskrit texts, word for word,...
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This is the first volume to Bhakti Sandarbha. The Sat-sandharbhas consist of six works (Tattva-sandarbha, Bhagavata-sandarbha, Paramatma sandarbha, Krsna-sandarbha, Bhakti-sandharbha,...
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Sri Bhagavat Sandarbha Vol.2 (Hard binding)
This second volume of the Bhagavat-sandarbha includes the Anucchedas beginning with sixty-one. This volume begins with a discussion of the...
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Sri Bhagavat Sandarbha Vol.1 (Hard binding)
This is the second of the six "Sat-Sandarbhas", the first being "Tattva-Sandarbha". The Sat-Sandarbhas thoroughly establish the authority of Srimad...
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Sri Priti Sandarbha Vol.1
Priti-sandarbha is a treatise on life’s ultimate goal, love ofGodhead. Although love of God may seem to be simply an...
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