Life & Teachings Of Lord Chaitanya

Life & Teachings Of Lord Chaitanya
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Sri Gaura-ganodesa Dipika
Sri Gaura-ganodesa Dipika is a unique work of Kavi Karnapura, describing the otherworldlyidentities of the prominent associates and followersof Sri Caitanya,...
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Ekadsi Mahatmya
written By. Srila Vyasadeva          
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Rasaraja Sri Gauranga
A Study of Sri Gauranga’s intimate, hidden side (like Sri Krsna)as the Enjoyer of madhura rasa, collected from a host...
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Sri Caitanya Mangala
The transcendental pastimes of Lord CaitanyaPreviously in Bengal the poets used to compose sacred songsand verses in different forms of...
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Sri Krsna Caitanya Divya Sahasra-nama
Sri Krsna Caitanya Divya Sahasra-nama (One thousand transcendental names of Sri Krishna Caitanya),spoken by Rupa Gosvami.
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Sri Caitanya-carita-maha-kavya (Hard-binding)
Murari Gupta, lived in Navadvipa while Nimai (Chaitanya) wasgrowing up and witnessed many of His childhood pastimes.For this reason, other...
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Sri Caitanya Candramrtam (Hard-binding)
Sri Caitanya Candramrtam by Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvatiis a compendium of verses, grouped by the author into 12chapters, basically divided into...
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