The Backward Glance (Canto 11 to 12)

The Backward Glance (Canto 11 to 12)

Canto by canto, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam draws us onward, encouraging, purifying, and guiding us to stop clutching at straws of matter in our search for happiness and security. Instead, the Bhāgavatam implores us to grasp Lord Hari's lotus feet tightly by hearing about Him and glorifying Him. The Backward Glance provides a summary study of the Eleventh and Twelveth Cantos. The Backward Glance aims to provide a guiding thread for its readers. By grasping this thread, readers will more easily traverse and absorb the instructive and multifaceted philosophical guidance offered in these final cantos of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
Vender RasBihari Lal And Sons
Canto by canto, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam draws us onward, encouraging, purifying, and guiding us to stop clutching at straws of matter in our search for happiness and security. Instead, the Bhāgavatam implores us to grasp Lord Hari's lotus feet tightly by hearing about Him and glorifying Him. The Backward Glance provides a summary study of the Eleventh and Twelveth Cantos. The Backward Glance aims to provide a guiding thread for its readers. By grasping this thread, readers will more easily traverse and absorb the instructive and multifaceted philosophical guidance offered in these final cantos of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.