Sri Suka Sari Stava

Sri Suka Sari Stava


Sri Suka-Sari-Stava
by Srila Krsnadasa & Kaviraja Gosvami
Paperback (Edition: 2007)
Ras Bihari Lal and Sons

Vender Rasbihari Lal & sons

Sri Suka-Sari-Stava
by Srila Krsnadasa & Kaviraja Gosvami
Paperback (Edition: 2007)
Ras Bihari Lal and Sons

Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvamip provides us with a detailed and poetic meditation upon

the limbs of the transcendental body of Lord Krsna. In this
short work, the meditation upon the limbs of Lord Krsna’s
transcendental body are spoken by Manjuvak and Kalokti, the
pet male and female parrots of Vrnda-devi.